Friday, January 2, 2015

The Born-Again Blade.

A brand new knife set out on its life all gleaming and sharp, with great plans and dreams to accomplish noble tasks. Along the way bad decisions were made and life got tougher and it became harder to make the cut. 

Eventually the knife found its way into the wrong hand and was mistreated and abused. No longer was he bright and sharp. Rust began to replace the gleaming metal, and nicks marred the once-keen edge. The beautifully crafted wooden handle that was friend to both the eye and hand was now cracked and weathered. Eventually the knife was thrown into the pile of other old and worthless tools. The great plans and dreams of noble tasks were long gone, as if they had belonged to someone else in another time. 

The one day the Master Knife Maker came along and saw the knife in the pile. He remembered the plans and dreams for they were His. He picked up the broken and worn blade and brought it home. He worked and removed the rust and took off the broken handle. At first the knife thought all was lost. The rubbing hurt, and now his handle was gone. Was he going to be completely destroyed now? The Knife Maker continued to grind away the chipped edges and carefully polished the shine back into the blade. Hope began to grow in the old knife again. Could it be that this was not the end? Could it be that he might be useful again? With skillful hands, the Knife Maker crafted a new handle, this time a new design, unique and different. When all was through, He engraved a mark into the blade and called it done. 

The old knife looked at himself. He was beautiful again, bright and sharp with a wonderful handle that someone would long to hold. But as he looked closer, he saw some of the deep scratches from his former life still remained, and he wondered about the new mark by his handle. 

"Why?" he asked. "Why are the old marks still there? And what is this new mark? Why can't I be all completely shiny and new?" 

The Master Knife Maker gently replied, "Some of those old marks resulted from your own poor choices. I do not remove all the effects of those choices, but I work them into what you will be for me. These will serve to remind you from where I brought you, and will keep you from boasting over other knives that need to be rescued. Find them and bring them to me, and I will refashion them, as I have you. The new mark you have received is mine. It is my mark cut into you to remind you that you are mine and no one else's. Never again are you to serve the wrong hand; you are to serve me in the noble tasks that I set before you."

At this the old knife settled peacefully into the Master's hand and dreamed again of the great plans that lay ahead. 


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17